Monday, December 30, 2013
The Way Of Intercepting Fist 截 拳 道
There are three major areas of concentration in Jeet Kune Do :
1. Directness
2. Simplicity and,
3. Non-classical
Directness means to follow the shortest and safest possible route to an opponent (normally a straight line) with non-telegraphic motions and doing as much damage as possible. The principle of directness in JKD can be found in the individual's ability to use his longest weapon (usually his lead hand or leg) against the nearest target on his opponent's body. Always think of hitting. Where there is emptiness - hit.
Simplicity means doing only what is necessary to complete a task as quickly and efficiently as possible - This is by no means as easy as it sounds and requires a lot of thought and practice through continual drilling of all the basics. Daily decrease towards simplicity, economy of motion, directness. Absorb what is useful. If needed, modify or improve to make it efficient. Not add for sake of adding. Scientific analysis and problem solving. Working knowledge of other styles so as to neutralise their strengths and capitalise on their weakness.
Effective and comfortable in all ranges. Able to adapt to opponent and environment. Customise art to complement own body type and attributes.
Non-classical means that all the techniques are delivered in a practical manner, unlike the majority of "fancy" techniques that are used and taught in traditional martial arts.
The first thing that must be considered is the fighting stance, or the on -guard stance which Bruce Lee believed must have your power side forward - In this position your most powerful weapons are closest to your target. This stance is highly mobile with good offensive and defensive capabilities.
Stance with strong side forward, hand position, foot alignment, raised rear heel, Centreline, Powerline, Fighting measure.
Power from proper use of penetration, hips, bodyweight, timing, distance, footwork, kinetic chain.
Non telegraphic, non intention (no-mindedness) hand before foot.
Mobility, more than anything else is highly stressed in Jeet Kune Do, as combat is a matter of movements ... Footwork is light, quick and economical. Good footwork is essential to close (bridge) the gap to your opponent and attack powerfully, or evade and counter an opponent's attack. The Jeet Kune Do fighter will use linear, lateral, angular and circular footwork patterns, so as to put himself in the best possible range to hit but not get hit (using range, angles, traps) and able to disengage at will.
Avoid getting tied up (clinch, ground) - always assume there is more than one opponent. If tied up, disengage quickly. Avoid toe to toe exchange of blows (slugging).
Movement is explosive, fast, crispy, deceptive, using broken rhythm, dynamic balance.using footwork to quickly change distance, direction, angles for offence, defence and counters.
Lead hand and foot mainly for offence, rear mainly for defence Lead tools such as Straight lead, lead kicks using burst footwork.Using all tools - hands, forearms, elbow, feet, knee, head.
Preparation for attacks using Feints, False Attacks, Beats, Angular footwork.
Five ways of attack -
Single Direct Attack (SDA),
Attack by Combination (ABC) (using lead tools eg hand-foot, vv),
Progressive Indirect attack (PIA),
Hand Immobilization Attack (HIA),
Attack by Drawing (ABD)
Forward pressure, chasing footwork. Defense and Counterattacks using parry/block, evasion, time hits, stop hits (interception), counter time.