Sifu Tommy Carruthers was interview during a Seminar in Beijing Last year.
Neil Shi is one of the IFO group leader in Beijing question him in Chinese, and Sifu Tommy Carruthers answered in English about his learning experience of martial arts, his understanding for JKD and his idea of JKD teaching in the program.
In this Interview, his analyses of Bruce Lee’ Jeet Kune Do form, his views of JKD property and his answers of JKD future development are particularly worth to note.
For one question, different persons have different views, which come with their own background and experiences. What he talked in program is based on his hard-working practice on martial arts and his learning and research of JKD by following many first-generation students of Bruce Lee.
I want to thank you Neil Shi for sharing with us this great this video.
I want to thank you Neil Shi for sharing with us this great this video.