How To Win A Street Fight Simply By Learning How To Intercept The Attacker
The most common attempted to disengage from the attacker by backing away from the threat. This usually resulted in the attacker closing quite quickly with their victim
So most peoples natural reaction was to backing away from the attacker with knife. The main problem is that the attacker quickly closed again.
This is why we do scenario training... So that we actually practice intercept or evading from the attacker.
We also teach things like Tactical Positioning to help you use furnature and obsticles to increase their chances of successfully evading or intercept the attacker.
We also teach things like Tactical Positioning to help you use furnature and obsticles to increase their chances of successfully evading or intercept the attacker.
Hand interception techniques are easy to learn (our student here learn in less that 2 hours training at this point in time) as they are based on natural flinch responses. They are not dependent on footwork, stances or complicated body movements and so can be utilized from nearly any position.
Dealing with real life encounters and the realities of having to deal with edged weapon attack both on the street.
Applying simple and effective reactions to sudden unprovoked attack using your natural flinch responses to your best advantage.
We practice scenario training 1
Dealing with real life encounters and the realities of having to deal with edged weapon attack both on the street.
Applying simple and effective reactions to sudden unprovoked attack using your natural flinch responses to your best advantage.
We practice scenario training 1
As you can see the distance is too near for reaction, if the attacker decide to attack. Thing to take note keep safe distance. If you have a bag use it and get ready for a block the knife using your bag.
If not, you have to decide when to strike the attacker even the attacker did not initiate the move.
How when to strike? When you think the distance is too close, is not safe, you feel thread.
"The ability to intercept, then destroy your opponent’s intentions efficiently"
You intercept his intention before he make any move! With a spear fingering to the attacker eye can be quite devastating on the eyes to the attacker! The penetrating trauma upon an opponent injuries of the eye can be a serious threat to vision.
We practice scenario training 2
Some people have problem decide to strike first or your decision making is too slow thus the attacker made his first move. As a JKD practitioners we are train to intercept any telegraphic movement from the attacker. As for this scenario I would suggest a fingers jab to the attacker eye with a pivot step to the right so as to avoid the knife in case you miss the strike you are still at the safe side thus you can follow up second strike.
We practice scenario training 3
What happen the attacker is too fast and you have no time to intercept his first telegraphic movement! In this scenario proper training footwork is very crucial. As a JKD practitioners we are train to use foot work to avoid an attack and attack using a footwork
Compression and Expansion in JKD
Shuffle step avoid the attack or one step backward follow by a stomping knee joint kick to break the knee.
We practice scenario training 4
What happen the attacker is too fast and you have no time to intercept his first two telegraphic movement! He get his momentum of attack forward to you. In this scenario proper training footwork is very crucial too but this time we include time hit in our training.
Time Hit
After the attacker miss the first two or three strike he will definitely strike the next fourth five six strike in this case we practice footwork, distancing with time hit. When ever we see an opening for attack, like the photo above we strike! but of course we must have proper footwork and distance. Without proper footwork and distance even you see an opening you are not able to strike. Therefore proper training footwork is very crucial in JKD.
Is this correct distance for striking? Do you thing he can strike to the nearest target knee?
We practice scenario training 5
Even when we practice time hit we must try it out to be realistic in our training! Thing may not work in real life situation because we always have a compliance training partners.
In this scenario as you can see what happen to the knifer accidentally strike to the victim cos the victim use stop kick.
Stop kick only work if the attacker have no weapons. Now question for you where should you kick than?
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